For more than 20 years, Domtar has put sustainability at the heart of everything we do, and believe we are the better for it. Led by our ESG Committee through a comprehensive review process, we are setting our next generation of sustainability priorities.
In alignment with our longstanding sustainability principles, six broad priority areas were identified. This approach to shaping our ESG strategy and vision going forward includes how we monitor and manage the impact of our business operations on people — our employees, customers, suppliers, communities and other stakeholders.
Our priority areas also reflect our desire to go further and be bolder as we look to minimize the use of natural resources and the net impact of our operations on the planet. The world doesn't stand still and neither do we. Here are supporting commentaries and our evolving approach to engagement in each of our six key focus areas:

Verified Fiber Sourcing
Leverage technology to bring enhanced transparency to the sourcing and movement of fiber through our supply chain, and by doing so, make tomorrow's fiber certification schemes more cost-effective and predictable. We aim to begin this process while continuing to increase the use of certified fiber by working with landowners and staying at the forefront of forest management best practices.

Net Zero Emissions by 2050
Develop a credible pathway to become a net zero emitter of greenhouse gases by 2050. This effort complements our positive advocacy with governments regarding future climate-related legislation and regulations.

Water Stewardship Goal by 2030
Now that we have developed a full-cost-of-water model, the next step is to apply that model at all our pulp and paper manufacturing operations as part of our water stewardship roadmap towards 2030. We will bring the same rigor and discipline that we use to efficiently manage fuel, chemicals and fiber to our stewardship of water, given the interconnectedness of these vital resources.

Employee Safety
Maintain our best-in-class safety culture that incorporates industry-leading methods and tools to foster the safe, healthy workplace our employees, contractors and visitors deserve. We will continue to execute awareness and prevention programs to eliminate the potential for life-altering hazards, minimize injury and identify safety risks before they occur. In addition, we will sharpen our focus to reduce the severity of incidents, beyond the scope of numbers of incidents.

Community Engagement
We support the communities in which we live, work and play through monetary contributions to local programs to provide long-lasting community benefits. We will continue to encourage our employees to volunteer in activities that enhance the well-being of our communities, both in everyday life and in times of extraordinary need.

Diversity and Inclusion
We value a workforce that better reflects the diversity of the communities in which we operate and advances a culture of inclusivity in which everyone's contributions are recognized and appreciated. Together, we strive to become a model of inclusion and diversity in our industry, connecting us closer to our customers, supplier partners, employees and communities.