Our New Human Rights Policy: Generating Long-Term Value Through Sound Corporate Governance

BY: Domtar Paper

Resolute shares the United Nations’ (UN) vision for a more inclusive, peaceful and prosperous future. We recognize the importance of protecting human rights as recognized principles set out in the International Bill of Human Rights as well as the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Our commitment to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) positions us to be a more efficient and competitive company, a better employer, a stronger business partner, and even more deeply engaged in the communities in which we live and work.

Our Human Rights Policy reinforces these foundational principles and complements our existing policies related to ethics standards and reporting, and human resources. In practice, our commitment to human rights begins with the expectation that all employees adhere strictly to our Code of Business Conduct.

The policy describes the principles that guide our activities in four key areas:

  • Employees, who have fundamental rights to freedom, dignity and a safe working environment free of discrimination, harassment and violence.

  • Communities, where we strive to be a trusted partner while recognizing the cultural and social significance of the forests, and the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

  • Products and operations, as we strive to manufacture sustainable products and optimize the performance of our operations.

  • Supply chain, through which we recognize the critical importance of sound supply and value chain management in achieving our commitment to human rights and sustainable development.

Resolute’s Human Rights Policy is one more tool toward generating long-term value for the company while driving sustainable economic activity in the communities where we operate.

The new policy, along with our other governance charters, is available on the Corporate Governance page of our website.

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