Resolute Forest Products’ three sawmills, wood pellet plant and woodlands operations make it one of the largest forest products companies in Ontario. The company’s investments in the region over the past three years have increased production capacity by 50 million board feet annually, building on the successful integration of its Atikokan, Ignace and Thunder Bay network of sawmills. In partnership with Fort William First Nation, the company’s $17 million investment in the Thunder Bay facility in 2021 included $5.6 million to replace the unstacking system at its planer mill. Resolute’s $62 million investment to build a sawmill just east of Atikokan in 2015 gave a major financial boost to this Northwestern Ontario community, creating 100 jobs. The company also invested $30 million in 2004 to completely rebuild the Ignace stud mill, and in 2014 launched a new wood pellet plant at the Thunder Bay sawmill with a $9 million investment. Resolute has a 10-year agreement to supply 45,000 metric tons of wood pellets a year to an Ontario Power Generation plant in Atikokan.