Resolute and Greenpeace Parties Announce the Conclusion of Long-Running Litigations - More information

Menominee Mill

The mill became part of Resolute Forest Products in 2015 and the Paper Excellence Group in 2023 and is ideally situated to serve customers in the Eastern United States.
Domtar Menominee Mill
Contact information

Menominee Mill

701 Fourth Avenue
P.O. Box 277
Menominee, MI 49858

Todd Clausen, General Manager: 906 863-9936


701 Fourth Avenue
P.O. Box 277
Menominee, MI 49858

701 Fourth Avenue
P.O. Box 277
Menominee, MI 49858

Todd Clausen, General Manager
Tel. 906 863-9936

Menominee MillTodd Clausen, General Manager 906 863-9936

Production Capacity
  • 171,000 metric tons
Economic Impact
  • $102.9 million
Environmental Contributions
  • 100% of the mill’s production is recycled bleached kraft (RBK) pulp, which is a sustainable alternative designed to replace virgin fiber in a variety of paper applications, upholding the same demanding performance specifications.
  • The Menominee operation also: recycles or reuses fluorescent light bulbs, batteries, antifreeze, oil and scrap metal; runs a program to recycle electronics, such as phones, computers, cameras, printer cartridges and printers; provides bioresiduals from the manufacturing process to individuals in the states of Michigan and Wisconsin for applications in agriculture, forestry and landscaping; and has instituted the conversion of lift trucks from propane fuel to biodiesel fuel.
Community Investment
  • Mill employees achieved two million consecutive hours without a single, recordable injury in 2022, a feat dating back 10 years. For every 250,000 injury-free hours, Resolute rewards employees with $5,000 or more to donate to local organizations. Thanks to the mill’s safety performance since 2012, $100,000 has been donated locally.
Awards and Certifications
  • FSC® Certificate
  • SFI® Certificate
  • ISO 14001 Certificate
Number of Employees
  • 102
Number of Machines
  • 1 machine
  • Recycled bleach kraft pulp