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Coosa Pines Mill

Domtar’s Coosa Pines mill, located on Alabama’s Coosa River, began operations in 1950 as a joint venture between Kimberly-Clark and newspaper publishers. For many years, the mill produced newsprint for publishers located predominantly in the Southeastern United States. Fluff pulp was added to its product offering in 1976 with the installation of a new kraft line, a recovery boiler and a pulp dryer. In 2000, a $63 million “cluster rule” upgrade to the pulp mill was finalized. The facility now produces kraft pulp used worldwide and is considered a leading manufacturer of pulp used in tissue and absorbent consumer products.
Domtar Mill - Coosa Pines
Contact information

Coosa Pines Mill

17589 Plant Road
Coosa Pines, AL 35044-0555

Pat Hogg, General Manager: 256 378-5541


17589 Plant Road
Coosa Pines, AL 35044-0555

17589 Plant Road
Coosa Pines, AL 35044-0555
United States

Pat Hogg, General Manager
Tel. 256 378-5541

Coosa Pines MillPat Hogg, General Manager256 378-5541

Production Capacity
  • 266,000 metric tons market pulp
Economic Impact
  • $200.1 million
Environmental Contributions
  • The mill has an installed capacity of 30 MW of renewable electric power generation.
  • Contributing to the company’s success in reducing absolute direct and indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 87% from 2000 levels, the mill has achieved a 78% reduction in scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions.
  • The mill sources wood fiber and maintains chain-of-custody certificates under the standards of the Sustainable Forest Initiative® (SFI®), the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) and the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®)
Community Investment
  • In 2022, the mill’s employees achieved milestones of 500,000 hours and 750,000 hours without a recordable injury. For every 250,000 injury-free hours, Domtar rewards employees with an amount they donate to local organizations.
  • Employees have contributed more than $80,000 locally through the awards program.
Awards and Certifications
  • FSC® Certificate
  • PEFC Certificate
  • SFI® Certificate
  • SFI Fiber Sourcing Certificate
  • SFI Certified Sourcing Certificate
  • Landowner Outreach Information
  • Landowner Information for FSC Specified Risk Items
  • ISO 14001 Certificate
  • ISO 9001 Certificate
Number of Employees
  • 250
Number of Machines
  • 1 pulp dryer
  • Kraft pulp