ESG reporting: The facts and figures that drive our sustainability work


Who Cares Wins. That was the title of the 2004 United Nations report that first introduced the term ESG – environmental, social and governance – the three components on which a company’s sustainability work can be assessed. Since then, employees, investors, customers and a range of other stakeholders have been paying increased attention to these as indicators of an organization’s health.

An impactful ESG strategy creates positive social and environmental impacts while ensuring business is conducted with integrity. At Resolute, our business and sustainability strategies have been expressly developed to align our efforts in environmental stewardship and social responsibility with our business objectives. Our governance focus is on ensuring all aspects of our operations are conducted with accountability and transparency. 

ESG reporting plays an important role in providing a comprehensive overview of our past achievements and future direction, and we have been reporting on the company’s sustainability performance regularly since 2011. In 2022, we established longer-term ESG targets to complement our annual targets and other ongoing commitments. The following three leaflets are the latest addition to our sustainability reporting program:

  • ESG at Resolute offers a high-level summary of our sustainability strategy as well as ESG commitments, targets and performance, which ensure all aspects of Resolute’s business are conducted with integrity and transparency.
  • ESG by the Numbers is a comprehensive facts and figures summary that uses sustainability accounting standards and ESG rating systems to organize key information.  
  • Public Commitments is a report card of sorts. It offers a detailed overview of our 2022 targets, a score of how we performed on each of these, as well as what goal we have set for each target for 2023 and beyond.

To learn about Resolute’s environmental, social and governance commitments, targets and performance, visit the sustainability section of our website.

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