Making the Case for Domestic Paper


Domestic paper, imported paper — it’s all the same, right? Actually, it’s not. Your decision to buy domestic paper matters to our economy and our communities.

Does it really matter where your paper is made? Actually, it does. Domtar has advocated for buying domestic paper vs. imported paper for a number of years. Our previous Paper Made Here campaign raised awareness about the importance of buying North American paper.

So why does it matter whether you buy domestic paper or imported paper? And what does Domtar bring to the equation? Take a look at these four reasons why your purchase decision matters — to your business and community.

  1. Secure Supply — Domtar’s network of 13 pulp and paper mills across the United States and Canada, as well as 10 regional replenishment centers means:
    • No long overseas shipments
    • Minimal supply chain disruptions
    • Dependable delivery
    • Optimal shipping costs
    • Quick response times

    Domtar paper is made using sustainably harvested local fiber. Our production schedules ensure your paper supply won’t run out, and our respect for our natural resources means we help preserve our forests and water supplies for generations to come.

  2. Quality Paper — Domtar end-user paper research conducted in the United States and Canada by Isobar, an independent third-party research firm, showed consumers prefer domestic paper. “Our research indicated that people perceive domestic paper supply as having higher quality than imported paper,” explains Cristen Taylor, research analyst with Domtar’s Strategic Marketing and Research team. “It’s a perception that buying within your area means better quality, and that’s important.”
  3. More Jobs —Did you know that Domtar employs more than 9,000 people in North America? We have facilities in 31 states and four Canadian provinces. For every 100 jobs that we create at a paper mill, we help create 325 more jobs in the local area. Domestic paper is good for the local and national economy.
  4. Strong Communities — One paper mill can change a community, not just because of the jobs it creates but because of the positive impact it can have on local social, environmental, educational and wellness initiatives. As a company, Domtar gives nearly twice as much to charitable organizations as the average corporation, as a percentage of U.S. corporate pretax profits. But within each community, our colleagues also invest their time and resources to make their towns better places to live. Eric Ashby, manager of Domtar’s Windsor Mill, says, “Giving back to the community is an important part of who we are. Whether we’re supporting local charities, taking part in community events or creating more jobs, we are building a better future for the families who live and work here.”

Contact us about the benefits of buying paper that is manufactured in North America.

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