Chuck Daniels Named NC Forestry Association Communicator of the Year

Chuck Daniels is a landowner, a member of the Plymouth Mill team and a sustainable forestry advocate.

Chuck Daniels, Plymouth Mill procurement forester, landowner and tireless sustainable forestry advocate, was recently named the North Carolina Forestry Association’s 2023 communicator of the year.

The award recognizes Daniels’ significant contributions to NCFA’s outreach and sustainable forestry advocacy programs — specifically, those that help increase knowledge and awareness about sustainable forestry’s importance to North Carolina’s economy, environment and communities.

The award came as a surprise to Daniels, but not to his colleagues. As a sustainable forestry advocate, Daniels contributes a tremendous amount of time and effort toward generating awareness at the local, state and national level.

“I’ve known Chuck since I started working with NCFA back in September 2020,” says Amanda Murphy, NCFA communication director. “I met him early on because he is a member that shows up, offers to volunteer and carries things when your hands are full. Since then, if there is an NCFA event — from educational opportunities, to the North Carolina state fair, to board meetings — Chuck will be there.”

Daniels says his involvement is indicative of his passion for educating others about good forestry management practices.

“I try to be very involved and help with everything I can,” he says. “I’m grateful that my leadership at the mill give me a lot of freedom to do outreach activities.”

Daniels is responsible for securing the wood fiber needed to produce fluff pulp at our Plymouth Mill. He also frequently volunteers his time hosting outreach activities with local school students and landowner groups.

He says being a landowner has opened the door to a lot of opportunities to act as a sustainable forestry advocate. His experience working at the mill, in addition to his experience as a forester, allows him to share a unique perspective with other landowners about exactly what happens to their fiber when it leaves their property.

“The forestry community is like a big family” he says. “I think other landowners appreciate my credibility because they know I also manage my own land.”

Daniels owns and manages 140 acres that have been in his family as a working farm since 1797. He assumed responsibility for it in 1988 from his mother and aunt after his grandfather’s death. He says he intends to pass it on to his own children someday.

“The reason I own my land is not for investment,” he says. “It’s for love of my family, ancestry, heritage, love of the land and love of the practice of forest management. You can grow timber while at the same time help wildlife, soil, air and water. All these things benefit from forest management planning.”

Domtar is invested in the health of our forests, and sustainability continues to be a high priority. We’re proud of our commitment to the environment, and we love to see our colleagues be recognized for their sustainability focus.

“I’ve been very blessed to work where I work and live on my family’s farm,” Daniels says. “I’m really happy about how it all came together.”

Video courtesy of the North Carolina Forestry Association. In this video, Chuck answers questions on what sustainable forestry means to him.

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