Resolute and Greenpeace Parties Announce the Conclusion of Long-Running Litigations - More information





Financial Information Requests

On November 30, 2021, all of the outstanding shares of common stock of Domtar Corporation (the “Company” or “we”) were acquired pursuant to a merger transaction with the Paper Excellence group of companies. As a result, we are now privately owned and our common stock is no longer listed for trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

Access to financial information

To ensure that the reports and other information posted by the Company are provided only to eligible persons, the Company requires certification as to a person’s bona fide status per the Company’s policy prior to granting such person access to the Company’s secured confidential website.

To apply for access to the secured confidential website and/or to receive coordinates for our next quarterly conference call, please complete and submit the application below.
Upon approval of your application, and if you qualify under the stated criteria, you will be entitled to access the secured confidential area of the Company’s website. You will receive an email with instructions on how to access the secured website.
By submitting this application, you agree that we reserve the right to modify or revoke the terms of your access to the secured confidential website or future conference calls at any time and without notice.

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