Bell Canada Wins Inaugural Resolute Clean50 Award for Reducing Emissions

Bell Canada Wins Inaugural Resolute Clean50 Award for Reducing Emissions
BY: Domtar Paper

We were honored to present the inaugural Resolute Forest Products 2023 Clean50 Award to Bell Canada as GHG (greenhouse gas) Reductions Champion.

Clean50 recognizes leaders from across Canada who have done the most to advance climate action and develop climate solutions. Bell won the Resolute-sponsored award for achieving meaningful GHG emissions intensity reductions at its operations. In 2021, Bell surpassed its GHG target by 15%, with its GHG emissions per network usage showing a 55% improvement compared with its 2019 baseline.

At Resolute, actions to reduce GHG emissions and combat climate change are cornerstones of our sustainability strategy, and we are proud participants and supporters of the annual Clean50 Summit, which brings together progressive business, political and environmental leaders who are tackling climate change from every sector.

This year’s winners were selected from over 1,000 nominations collected nation-wide.

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