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What’s so Special about Specialty Papers?

Think of your favorite on-the-go meal. Is it a juicy smashburger with a side of crispy fries and a shake? Or maybe it’s a foot-long sub loaded with fresh ingredients and a pop? No, no, it was a heaping burrito bowl, tortilla chips and queso, and an ice-cold water to wash it down! Here’s one thing we can guess—your food-induced reverie didn’t include the way it was wrapped? What about the straw that came with your drink? Food packaging tends to be the last thing on a hungry consumer’s mind when they stop at their favorite restaurant. Whether it’s a office day luncheon or on-the-go snack, does it really matter how the meal is packaged? As a matter of fact, it’s what puts the special in our specialty papers.
a collection of food stuffs

Can I get a Sandwich?

Whether it’s the number of meals that are dashing from house to house or the increased emphasis on our environmental and sustainable practices, food wrappers are finding themselves with more attention than they are used to. Sustainable food packaging hasn’t always been a conversation, but the global demand of the foodservice packaging market is creating one. According to a study conducted by Statista, online food delivery has more than doubled in volume over the last four years, generating an estimated 353.3 billion dollars in the US. The United States is home to the second biggest online food delivery market in the world after China and while grocery delivery accounts for nearly two-thirds of the food delivery market in the U.S., the meal delivery segment’s growth has kept pace. To put it simply, data is showing that the demand for fast-food and convenience items exploded over the last few years and as a result, so has the need for single-use foodservice products in the United States. Despite its nature as an afterthought for most consumers, wrappers have one of the most specific roles in the system; it’s the last item to touch your food before your hands do. Restauranters have to trust that their food paper of choice will consistently meet specific technical and FDA requirements, while customers need to know that their food will be protected on its journey, however long it may be. From grease-resistant food papers to printable bags and wrappers, Domtar’s food grade paper offerings meet the most demanding requirements in the food industry. We offer a variety of features, including water resistance, grease resistance, ovenable qualities and excellent strength properties. We are a small part of the process that helps you open up your lunch and say, “Yum!”

And a Large Drink, Please?

Food is only one half of a balanced lunch break. Every good meal comes with a complementary drink—the problem arrives when you try to take a sip. plastic product statistics Single use plastic straws can take up to 200 years to decompose, becoming choking hazards for wildlife and pollutants in our oceans and soil in the meantime. Drinks are ordered at a much higher clip than meals—one much repeated estimate puts the number of disposable drinking straws used every day in the US at 500 million—turning our choice of straw into a critical decision. A common complaint about paper straws is that they eventually become soggy, but that is the very same reason that they are good for our environment! Paper straws decompose in a matter of weeks, as compared to centuries, and that rate grows even faster in our oceans. A common misconception with paper straws is that since they require paper which comes from trees, plastic straws are the environmentally preferable option. In reality, the paper products industry is responsible for replanting millions of trees each year, and the only true drawback to paper straws is that you might sip your drink a little quicker. At Domtar, our investment in sustainability is rooted in responsibility, efficiency and engagement, and our packaging is no exception. When printability is key, you can count on us to provide the best paper for your food design needs. We will provide the right finish, opacity, smoothness, and gloss level for optimal results. To top it all off, most Domtar Food papers are FSC certified. To receive the latest information on our Specialty Papers, check out our specialty updates page.
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