Resolute has long been dedicated to improving education in our operating communities and sparking innovation in the forest products sector. We are also committed to supporting and maintaining constructive relationships with Indigenous businesses and communities.
More than 80% of First Nations communities in Canada live in forested environments, and the socio-economic benefits of forest management are important to many of these communities.
That’s why we focused our five-year, C$175,000 commitment to fund Laval University’s Educational Leadership Chair in Indigenous Forestry on strengthening the capacity of Indigenous communities to participate in the management and sustainable development of forests. The research chair studies the relationships between Indigenous communities, forest products companies and governments, while striving to increase public awareness of Indigenous cultures and realities.
This year marks the third of our five-year commitment to fund the chair’s work through the Quebec Forest Industry Council (QFIC). This research chair leverages the expertise of Laval University to support research that will better connect forest management practices with the realities of Indigenous communities. Under the direction of Professor Jean-Michel Beaudoin, the work is focused on three objectives:
Strengthen the capacity of Indigenous communities in Quebec to participate in the management and sustainable development of forests.
Promote sustainable relations between Indigenous communities, forest products companies and governments.
Increase public awareness of Indigenous cultures and realities.
Through academic support, Resolute is helping to develop a highly qualified workforce to meet the needs of both the forest products sector and our operating communities.
Learn about our commitment to Research Partnerships.